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Applied Workshop: PL-200 Power Platform Functional Consultant

Table of contents

  1. Workshop overview
  2. Scenarios
    1. Scenario 1: Northwind Traders basketball player recruiting
    2. Scenario 2: Tailwind recruiting job fair app
    3. Scenario 3: Woodgrove Youth Camp camper activity tracker
  3. Time management
    1. Phase 1: Small group discussion
      1. Discussion points
    2. Phase 2: Design your solution
      1. Considerations
    3. Phase 3: Build your solution
      1. Considerations
    4. Phase 4: Share and compare your solution
      1. Considerations
    5. Requirements
    6. Scenario 1
      1. Microsoft Dataverse requirements
      2. Model-driven application requirements
      3. Canvas application requirements
      4. Power Automate Cloud Flow
    7. Scenario 2
      1. Microsoft Dataverse requirements
      2. Model-driven application requirements
      3. Canvas application requirements
      4. Power Automate Cloud Flow
    8. Scenario 3
      1. Microsoft Dataverse requirements
      2. Model-driven application requirements
      3. Canvas application requirements
      4. Power Automate Cloud Flow

Workshop overview

In this workshop, you will create your own solution to the stated problems.

This workshop is open-ended by design. Use this time to practice what you need, and don’t be afraid to use your trainer for help when you get stuck.

You will need to evaluate the requirements and build the solutions and automation as required. Think of this like building a functioning proof of concept. The data model has been defined for you, but the specifics of the apps are left to you to design. Make sure you design with users top of mind for a good experience that meets the stated requirements.

If time allows, you will have a chance to share your solution with your peers for review and feedback.

Note: You are only completing one scenario. We’ve given you three to choose from. Review them and choose the one you’d like to build.


Scenario 1: Northwind Traders basketball player recruiting

Northwind Traders basketball club is implementing a new system to manage their player recruitment. You will be building the data model provided and creating any needed Power Apps and automating. The data model will be provided for you as well as requirements for building and automating the Power Apps.

Scenario 2: Tailwind recruiting job fair app

Tailwind is a recruiting agency. They hold job fairs and would like to create two custom applications. One application that will allow their office staff to create recruits, contacts, and recruit interviews, and a canvas application to be used at job fairs. Tailwind Traders converts recruits into contacts after they placed them with an employer.

Scenario 3: Woodgrove Youth Camp camper activity tracker

Woodgrove Youth Camp provides supervised programs in the summer for children between the ages of 8 and 12. They would like to create two applications. One application will allow their office staff to create campers, contacts, and camper reports, and the other will be used at the camp site by the counselors.

Time management

You have a day to complete all aspects of this assignment. Review all the expectations first, then begin to manage your time. Phase 1 is designed to be a small group discussion, however if you are working solo then take the time to brainstorm on your own to help you with the rest of the assignment. Most of your time should be spent in Phases 2 and 3. Your instructor will let you know when to start Phase 4, but plan for it to take about 6 0 minutes of your time.

Plan for the following:

  • Phase 1: Small group discussion (15 min)
  • Phase 2: Design your solution (60 min)
  • Phase 3: Build your solution (180 min)
  • Phase 4: Share and compare your solutions (60 min)

    Plan your time image

Phase 1: Small group discussion

Discuss with your small group the idea of building the solution. Have a brainstorming session about how you might approach the requirements.

Discussion points

  • Which scenario did you choose?
  • Do you know what you need to build?
  • Are there any distractors or irrelevant information offered?

Phase 2: Design your solution

Now you should plan how you will approach the solution. Put pen to paper (or digital, or whatever works for you) and make your to-do list.


  • Do you know where information should be entered for each item?
  • What automation will you include?

Phase 3: Build your solution

Time to make your solution.


  • Do you have the information needed to complete the required elements?
  • Do you need to make assumptions to accommodate for vague requirements?
  • Do you have enough time to complete all tasks?

Phase 4: Share and compare your solution

Share your solution with your small group. Compare the experience. Can you export your solution and import it to another environment.


  • How do others’ solutions compare to yours? What is similar? What is different?
  • How would you improve your solution?
  • What did you learn?


Here are the details for each of the three scenarios. Remember that you are only completing this project today for the scenario of your choice.

Scenario 1

Northwind Traders basketball club is implementing a new system to manage their player recruitment. You will be building the data model provided and creating any needed Power Apps and automating. The data model will be provided for you as well as requirements for building and automating the Power Apps.

Microsoft Dataverse requirements

  • Create tables and columns for players and scouting reports.
  • Create relationships for contacts, players, scouts (Users), and scouting reports.
  • Create needed forms and views.
  • Add new column to the contact table.

Player table columns

Column Type Requirement
First name Single line of text Required
Last name Single line of text Required
Height Single line of text Required
Weight Single line of text Required
Date of birth Date only Optional
Position Single line of text Optional
Experience Single line of text Optional
Salary Currency Optional
Contract expiration date Date only Optional
Last drug test Date only Optional  
Drug test result Choice: Unknown, Passed, Failed, Inconclusive.
Make Unknown the default value
Minutes per game Decimal Optional
Points per game Decimal Optional
Filed goal percentage Decimal Optional
Free throw percentage Decimal Optional
Three-point percentage Decimal Optional
Primary scout Lookup to the user table Optional
Photo Image file.
Use this as primary image.
Full name Single line of text.Calculated from first and last name.  
Age Whole number.
Calculated from date of birth.

Other requirements for the Player table:

Player status can be Active, Recruiting, Draft Prospect, Free Agent, and Retired.

Scouting report table columns

Column Type Requirement
Name Single line of text Required
Player Lookup to the player table Required
Strengths Rich text Required
Weaknesses Rich text Required
Comments Rich text Required
Pro comparison Single line of text Optional
Photo Image file.
Use this as primary image.

Contact table columns

Column Type Requirement
Contact type Choice: Publicist, Agent, Doctor, Other Optional

Table relationships

Tables Type
Contact to Player Many-to-one
Player to Scout report One-to-many
Player to User Many-to-one

Forms and views

Build the appropriate forms and views for the data model you’ve built to be used in the model driven app.

  • Decide what columns need to be on the forms and in what order, what columns do you need to add/remove from your views, consider what columns should be read-only, do you need to present related tables as sub-grids.
  • Decide if you should edit the default forms and views, should you create new from existing forms and views, or should you create them from scratch.
  • Enable column security for the Drug test result and Last drug test columns.

Security roles

Create a security role that will allow scouts to:

  • Create, edit players and contacts.
  • Edit their own scouting reports and create scouting reports.

Create a column security profile that allows scout managers to:

  • Give scout managers read, update, and create permissions to the Last drug test and Drug test result columns.

Model-driven application requirements

Create a model-driven app that is appropriate for office staff to use to complete their needed tasks. Include navigation, tables, forms, views, and all the necessary components.

  • Users should be able to
    • Create/edit new player records.
    • Create/edit contacts.
    • Create/edit scout reports.
    • Search player and scout report records.

Canvas application requirements

Compose a canvas app that is appropriate for scouts to use in the field.

  • Show players.
  • Allow to create or edit existing players.
  • Allow to create new scouting reports and edit reports they created.
  • Allow to add or edit contacts that are related to the player.
  • Scouts should not be able to edit a player record of a player who failed the drug test.

Power Automate Cloud Flow

Create a cloud flow that will be triggered from a button on the canvas application.

  • When the flow is triggered, it should get the player record, and then send an email that includes some information about the player to someone (you may use your own user’s email).
  • Add a button to the edit player form of the canvas application that triggers this flow.
  • This button should not be visible when creating a new player.

Scenario 2

Tailwind is a recruiting agency. They hold job fairs and would like to create two custom applications. One application that will allow their office staff to create recruits, contacts, and recruit interviews, and a canvas application to be used at job fairs.

Tailwind Traders converts recruits into contacts after they placed them with an employer.

Microsoft Dataverse requirements

  • Create tables and columns for recruits and recruit interview.
  • Create relationships for contacts, recruits, recruiters (Users), and recruit interview.
  • Create needed forms and views.

Recruit table columns

Column Type Requirement
First name Single line of text Required
Last name Single line of text Required
Job title Single line of text Required
Email address Text – Email Required
Phone number Text – Phone number Required
City Single line of text Required
State Single line of text Required
Preferred contact method Choice: Email, Phone, Text Optional
Lowest expected salary Currency Optional
Remote only Choice: Yes/No
Select No as the default value.
Current employer Single line of text Optional
Availability Choice: Immediately, Near future, Unknown Optional  
Professional certifications Single line of text Optional
Professional degrees Single line of text Optional
Primary recruiter Lookup to the recruiter (User table) Optional

Other requirements for the Recruit table:

Recruit status can be Employed, Unemployed, or Under review.

Recruit interview table columns

Column Type Requirement
Name Single line of text Required
Recruit Lookup to the recruit table Required
Strengths Rich text Required
Weaknesses Rich text Required
Comments Rich text Required
Preferred title Single line of text Optional
Conclusion Choice: Selected, Rejected, Revisit Required


Tables Type
Contact to Recruit Many-to-one
Recruit to Recruit interview One-to-many
Recruit to User Many-to-one

*Forms and views

Build the appropriate forms and views for the data model you’ve just built and to be used in the model driven app described below.

  • Decide what columns need to be on the forms and in what order, what columns do you need to add/remove from your views, consider what columns should be read-only, do you need to present related tables as sub-grids.
  • Decide if you should edit the default forms and views, should you create new from existing forms and views, or should you create them from scratch.
  • Enable column security for the Lowest expected salary column.

Security roles

Create a security role that will allow recruits to:

  • Create, edit recruit and contacts.
  • Edit their own recruit interviews and create recruit interviews.

Create a column security profile that will:

  • Give recruit managers read, update, and create permissions to the Lowest expected salary column.

Model-driven application requirements

Compose a model-driven app that is appropriate for office staff to use to complete their needed tasks. Include tables, forms, views, and all needed components.

  • Users should be able to
    • Create/edit new recruit records.
    • Create/edit contacts.
    • Create/edit recruit interviews.
  • Search recruit and recruit interview records.
  • Recruiters should not be able to see or edit the Lowest expected salary column.

Canvas application requirements

Compose a canvas app that is appropriate for recruiters to use in the field at job fairs where they may be doing several on-the-spot interviews.

  • Show recruits.
  • Allow to create or edit existing recruits.
  • Allow to create recruit interviews and edit interviews they created.
  • Allow to add or edit contacts that are like the recruit.
  • Recruiters should not be able to edit a recruit record of a recruit with a status of “under review”.

Power Automate Cloud Flow

Create a cloud flow that will be triggered from a button on the canvas application.

  • When the flow is triggered, it should get the recruit record, and then send an email that includes some information about the recruit to someone (You may use your own user’s email).
  • Add a button to the edit recruit form of the canvas application to trigger this flow.
  • This button should not be visible when creating a recruit record.

Scenario 3

Woodgrove Youth Camp provides supervised programs in the summer for children between the ages of 8 and 12, they would like to create two applications. One application that will allow their office staff to create campers, contacts, and camper reports, and a canvas application to be used at the camp site by the counselors.

Microsoft Dataverse requirements

  • Create tables and columns for campers and camper reports.
  • Create relationships for contacts, campers, counselors (Users), and camper reports.
  • Create needed forms and views.
  • Add new column to the contact table.

Camper table columns

Column Type Requirement
First name Single line of text Required
Last name Single line of text Required
Date of birth Date only Required
Height Single line of text Optional
Weight Single line of text Optional
Years attended Choice: First year, Second year, Third year, Fourth year, and Fifth year.
Select First year as the default value
Attending with siblings Choice: Yes/No Optional
Counselor Lookup to the counselor (User) table Optional
Cabin number Single line of text Optional
Allergies Single line of text Optional
Photo Image file. Use this as primary image Optional
Camper medical concerns Single line of text Optional    
Age Whole number.
Calculated from the date of birth column
Full name Single line of text.
Calculated from first and last name

Other requirements for the Camper table

Camper status can be Applicant, Active, Alumni

Camper report table columns

Column Type Requirement
Name Single line of text Required
Camper Lookup to the camper table Required
Liked activities Rich text Required
Disliked activities Rich text Required
Comments Rich text Required
Outdoor rating Choice: Great, Good, Average, and Poor Optional
Photo Image file.
Use this as primary image.

Contact table columns

Column Type Requirement
Relation to camper Choice: Mother, Father, Guardian, Doctor, Other Optional


Tables Type
Contact to Camper Many-to-one
Camper to Camper report One-to-many
Camper to User Many-to-one

Forms and Views

Build the appropriate forms and views for the data model you’ve just built and to be used in the model driven app described below.

  • Decide what columns need to be on the forms and in what order, what columns do you need to add/remove from your views, consider what columns should be read-only, do you need to present related tables as sub-grids.
  • Decide if you should edit the default forms and views, should you create new from existing forms and views, or should you create them from scratch.
  • Enable column security for the Camper medical concerns column.

Security roles

Create a security role that will allow counselors to:

  • Create, edit campers and contacts.
  • Edit their own camper reports and create new camper reports.

Create a column security profile that will:

  • Give counselor managers read, update, and create permissions to the Camper medical concerns column.

Model-driven application requirements

Compose a model-driven app that is appropriate for office staff to use to complete their needed tasks.

Include tables, forms, views, and all needed components.

  • Users should be able to
    • Create/edit camper records.
    • Create/edit contacts.
    • Create/edit camper reports.
    • Search camper and camper report records.

Canvas application requirements

Compose a canvas app that is appropriate for counselors to use in the field.

  • Show campers.
  • Allow to create or edit existing campers.
  • Allow to create new camper reports and edit reports they created.
  • Allow to add or edit contacts that are related to the camper.
  • Counselors should not be able to edit a camper record of a camper who is status is Older.

Power Automate Cloud Flow

Create a cloud flow that will be triggered from a button on the canvas application.

  • When the flow is triggered, it should get the camper record, and then send an email that includes some information about the camper to someone (You may use your own user’s email).
  • Add a button to the edit camper form of the canvas application to trigger this flow.
  • The button should not be visible when creating a new camper record.